As a seller or server of alcoholic beverages you have a responsibility to protect the public, your employer, and yourself. The consequences of inappropriate sales or service can be devastating for families, businesses, and the seller or server.

For this reason, American Seller Server has developed a comprehensive TABC certification course focused on responsible practices in selling or serving alcoholic beverages in on or off premise situations. If you need your TABC certificate then you are in the right place.

The first step in becoming TABC certified is to click on the drop down menu below, select Texas, and you will be redirected to the TABC Seller Server Certification course.

The TABC Certification course is approximately two-hours in length. Upon successful completion of the TABC certification course and passing the final exam, your TABC certificate will be emailed to you or you may immediately print your official certificate online.



Get Certified - Serve Responsibily -